July 28, 2021
Q: Where did you study Jewelry/Metalsmithing and when?
A: 1st Pratt Fine Art Center in Seattle, WA (formative years), BFA SUNY New Paltz, MFA University of Wisconsin, Madison, tons of workshops at Haystack, Penland, Arrowmont, Pratt
Q: What inspires your work?
A: My experience with landscape and the cultures and people I interact with as I move from place to place, nature, my identity (African American/White)
Q: Do you have a favorite piece you've made? A: Folded Brooch |
Q: What made you want to start making jewelry?
A: I was attracted to beadwork but soon wanted to use metal. i feel the role of jewelry is critical in how we identify our positions/cultures/power etc.
Q: What is your favorite process? Why that one over others?
A: Enamel. I love color. There is power in color
Q: Who is your favorite artist/who do you wear?
A: I'm an avid earring collector. I most often wear Tara Locklear's earrings because of their impact/light-weight/price-point
Q: Is there an artist on your personal wishlist that you hope to own one day?
A: Dorothea Pruhl, Lucy Sarneel, Jamie Bennett and many more!
Q: What is something you would want someone to know about your work that they might not know?
A: It's very lightweight
Q: When you're not making jewelry, what are you doing?
A: I recently became a homeowner, so I have been contemplating our space and deciding what to tackle first.
Tanya Crane Providence, RI
To view Tanya's collection CLICK HERE |